David Leeper
Deadly Stages | Anthony Arlo | Theater Row/Off-Broadway
Running | Ed Shirko | Hudson Guild Theater/Summerfest
Doric Wilson's Street Theater | Murfino | TOSOS
Where Do All The Ghosts Go? | Marcel Duchamp | Theater for the New City
Secret Identity | Coach Bachman | TOSOS
Stupid Fucking Bird | Dr. Eugene Sorn | Stripped Scripts
At The Flash | Various Character/One Man Play | NY/LA/CHI/Dublin/Philly ​
Couples/Matterhorn | Jerry | AlphaNYC
Untold Decades Fog / River Jordan | Stud / Casdale | TOSOS
Oleanna | John | Vanguard Theater
Fifth of July | John Landis | Vanguard Theater
Greetings | Andy Gorski | Vanguard Theater
The Perfect Dupe | Perry | Big Apple Theatre Festival
The Middle Distance | Perry | Manhattan Rep. Theater
The Arrangement | Neil | Manhattan Rep. 10 Min. Plays
A Bitter Pill | Patient | Manhattan Rep. 10 Min. Plays
Stardust | Hugh | Christian Meola, Director | Lead
Aquae Vitae | Old Man | Jay William Thomas, Director | Lead
Garden Party Massacre | Wesley | Gregory Blair, Director | Lead
New Age Homo Hipster Brigade | Qyelb | Joel Mahr, Director | Lead
Why God Made Ants | Father | Brandon Spring, Director | Lead
Fifth Helena Drive | Doctor | Kate Marzullo, Director | Lead
Manipura | Officer McCelland | Kelly Warren, Director | Featured
Home / Music Video | 1930's Director | Lena Khan, Director | Featured
Drop Off | Father | Shawn Corel, Director | Supporting
Training & Workshops
HB Studios
Portland Actors Conservatory
South Coast Repertory
American Academy of Dramatic Arts
Groundlings Los Angeles
Special SkillS
Proficient in Various Dialects and Accents
Character Voices / Animation / Voice Over
Stage Combat & Movement
WINNER - Overall Excellence Award - Solo Performance
"At The Flash" - New York International Fringe Festival
Michael Mac Liammoir Award Nominee - Best Male Performance
"At The Flash" - International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival
Pride Films & Plays - Artistic Ensemble Member/Advisory Board